Abstract Submission
HKOA Best Paper Awards
AR Hodgson Award
This prize will be awarded to the best clinical paper in orthopaedics and related research presented by a local surgeon judged by an adjudication panel based on a scoring system.
Clinical paper presented by a surgeon - life fellow, fellow or member.
HK$5000 + HKOA ambassador (First priority)
Arthur Yau Award
This prize will be awarded to the second-best clinical paper in orthopaedics and related research presented by a local surgeon judged by the same adjudication panel based on the same scoring system.
Clinical paper presented by a surgeon - life fellow, fellow or member.
HK $5000 + HKOA ambassador (Second priority)
Orthopaedic Basic Science Award
This prize will be awarded to the best basic science paper in orthopaedics and related research presented by a local surgeon judged by the same adjudication panel based on the same scoring system.
Basic science paper presented by a surgeon - life fellow, fellow or member.
HK $2000 + HKOA ambassador (Third priority)
The Best Paper Award for Associate Member
This prize will be awarded to the best paper presented by an associate member of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association judged by the same adjudication panel based on the same scoring system.
Clinical or basic science paper presented by associate member.
The Best Paper Award for Trainee Member
This prize will be awarded to the best paper in orthopaedics and related research presented by a trainee member of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association judged by the same adjudication panel based on the same scoring system.
Clinical or basic science paper presented by a member of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, who is registered as a trainee in Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeon at the time of presentation.
HK$2000 + HKOA ambassador (Forth priority)
The Best Poster Award
This prize will be awarded to the best poster judged by a poster adjudication panel based on a scoring system.
Poster presented by life fellow, fellow, member or associate member.
The above prizes are only awarded to the presenter of the paper. The presenter must be a member (either fellow, life fellow, member or associate member) of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association. The presenter must register the 44th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association on or before 15 September 2024. After submission of the online abstract, the status of the oral presenter cannot be changed.