Abstract Submission
Extended Abstract Guidelines
For abstracts submitted online as oral presentation for consideration of inclusion into the scientific program of the 44th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association, the authors must indicate whether they want their abstract to be listed for the Award Paper Winning Selection. If the authors select to have their abstract listed in the Award Paper Winning Selection, an extended abstract must be submitted at the same time according to the instruction of the online abstract submission system.
A separate adjudication panel will review the extended abstract. Basing on the result of the adjudication, invitation may be sent to the oral presenters of the abstracts for considering presentation of the selected papers in the Award Paper Presentation Session of the 44th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association for running the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Best Paper Awards.
The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Best Paper Awards are established to recognize the outstanding performance of the members of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association in the field of Orthopaedics and related researches. Currently, a maximum of six awards will be presented each year. The details of the awards and selection criteria can be found in the document “Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Best Paper Awards”.
The Guidelines for extended abstract submission are listed below:
- The oral presenter must be a member of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association (either fellow, life fellow, member or associate member). The presenter is NOT qualified to obtain any award if he / she is not a current HKOA life fellow, fellow, member or an associate member.
- The extended abstract must be written in ENGLISH. No other language is allowed.
- The submitted abstract can either be a structured abstract or an unstructured abstract. However, table is NOT allowed. The total word count of the abstract cannot exceed 1,000 words.
- The authors are allowed to upload a maximum of three figures (jpg format) through the online abstract submission system. The maximum file size of each uploaded figure is 2 MB.
- All abstract presenters MUST be the main author or co-author and has registered with the 44th Annual Congress of Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association on or before 15 September 2024. Abstracts are not allowed to be presented in the Award Paper Presentation Session if registration of the presenter is not received on or before 15 September 2024.
- If the presenter is to be changed after abstract submission, the paper will be excluded from the Award Paper Presentation Session.
Failure to observe the above guidelines for extended abstract submission may lead to disqualification from the Award Winning Paper Session of the 44th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association.
The Candidate would not be notified separately whether their paper would be selected for consideration as Award Winning Paper until 30 September 2024, for the allocation of presentation.
Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association fellow or member presenters of the selected abstracts in the Award Paper Presentation Session are entitled to be nominated as Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association Ambassadors.
Being a Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association ambassador, he or she will represent the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association to attend and present his or her paper in the annual congress of an overseas sister orthopaedic association.
If the ambassadors accept the sponsorship from the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association for the travelling as a Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association ambassador, the ambassadors are obliged to publish his or her paper in the Journal of Orthopaedics, Trauma and Rehabilitation, the official journal of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association and the Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons.